Raspberry Pi Hardware Intro

Overview of Raspberry Pi Hardware and GPIO Pins


Most info and diagrams from the RaspberryPi documentation or pinout.xyz


The Pi has 40 General-Purpose Input-Output (GPIO) pins configured in the following way:

![Raspberry Pi Pinout Diagram from The Docs](/docs/iot/rpi-gpio-pinout-voltages.png)
  • 2x 5V Pins
  • 2x 3.3V Pins
  • 8x 0V Pins (ground)

The rest of the pins are general purpose and can be assigned to either High (3.3V) or Low (0V) using software

In addition to basic Input/Output, the pins are able to perform specific functions as follows:

![Raspberry Pi Pinout Diagram](/docs/iot/rpi-gpio-pinout.png)

Note that GPIO 0 (pin 27) and GPIO 1 (pin 28) are available on the board but reserved for special use (EEPROM)

Some useful information on the different pinouts and their functions can be found on pinout.xyz

Function Description Pins
Software PWM Enable a pulsing digital signal to output analogue values All Pins
Hardware PWN Enable a pulsing digital signal to output analogue values GPIO12, GPIO13, GPIO18, GPIO19
SPI0 For connecting to peripheral devices MOSI (GPIO10); MISO (GPIO9); SCLK (GPIO11); CE0 (GPIO8), CE1 (GPIO7)
SPI1 For connecting to peripheral devices MOSI (GPIO20); MISO (GPIO19); SCLK (GPIO21); CE0 (GPIO18); CE1 (GPIO17); CE2 (GPIO16)
I2C For 2-wite communication Data: (GPIO2); Clock (GPIO3); EEPROM Data: (GPIO0); EEPROM Clock (GPIO1)
Serial Receival and Transmission of Async Signals TX (GPIO14); RX (GPIO15)

THe more detailed pinout diagram depicting this can be seen below:

![Pinout diagram from pinout.xyz](/docs/iot/rpi-gpio-pinout-detailed.png)