Hyperledger Composer

Introduction to Hyperledger Composer


A business Network, defined in a Business Network Archive .bna File

  • Models
  • Logic
  • Queries
  • Access Control

In order to update a network, we simply upload the Archive .bna file to the network, this can either be done from the command line or from the Blockchain UI if using IBM Cloud


Models are files that define Assets, Participants and Transactions using the Hyperledger Composer Modelling Language

Models are defined in .cto files, and are written using the Hyperledger Composer Modelling Language

CTO Language

CTO Language

A .cto file is composed of the following elements

  1. A single namespace, all resource definitions are part of this namespace
  2. A set of resource definitions
    • Assets
    • Transactions
    • Participants
    • Events
  3. Optional import declarations than import resources from other namespaces


Resources are organized by namespaces, this is defined by first line in a .cto file which can be as follows

namespace org.example.mynetwork

All other resources defined in the same file will be part of this namespace


A resource definition has the following properties

  1. A namespace (defined by the namespace of its parent file)
namespace org.example.mynetwork
  1. A name and identifying field
 * A vehicle asset.
asset Vehicle identified by vin {
  o String vin
  1. Optional supertype
  2. Any additional properties
 * A car asset. A car is related to a list of parts
asset Car extends Vehicle {
  o String model
  --> Part[] Parts
  1. An optional Abstract declaration to state that the type cannot be created but can only be extended
 * An abstract Vehicle asset.
abstract asset Vehicle identified by vin {
  o String vin
  1. A set of relationships to other Composer types
 * A Field asset. A Field is related to a list of animals
asset Field identified by fieldId {
  o String fieldId
  o String name
  --> Animal[] animals


Enumerables can be defined as follows

 * An enumerated type
enum ProductType {
  o BEEF

And can be used in another class as a type

participant Farmer identified by farmerId {
    o String farmerId
    o ProductType primaryProduct


Concepts are abstract classes that are not assets, participants or transactions. They are contained by another resource and do not have an identifier and cannot be directly stored in registries or referenced in relationships

For example we can define a concept as follows

abstract concept Address {
  o String street
  o String city default ="Winchester"
  o String country default = "UK"
  o Integer[] counts optional

concept UnitedStatesAddress extends Address {
  o String zipcode

And then use it in a class definition

participant Farmer identified by farmerId {
    o String farmerId
    o UnitedStatesAddress address
    o ProductType primaryProduct

Primitive Types

Composer has a few primitive types, namely

  • String
  • Double
  • Integer
  • Long
  • DateTime
  • Boolean


Arrays can simply be defined with []

o Integer[] integerArray
--> Animal[] myAnimals


A relationship is a tuple composed of

  1. Namespace being referenced
  2. Type being referenced
  3. Identifier instance being referenced

For example


Field Validation

Attributes may include a default value, string fields may include a regex validation, numerical values may include a range, these can be seen below

asset Vehicle extends Base {
  // An asset contains Fields, each of which can have an optional default value
  o String reg default="ABC123"
  // A numeric field can have a range validation expression
  o Integer year default=2016 range=[1990,] optional // model year must be 1990 or higher
  o Integer[] integerArray
  o String V5cID regex=/^[A-z][A-z][0-9]{7}/
  o String LeaseContractID
  o Boolean scrapped default=false
  --> Participant owner //relationship to a Participant, with the field named 'owner'.
  --> Participant[] previousOwners optional // Nary relationship
  o Customer customer


We can also import a type from a different namespace with the following

import org.example.MyAsset
import org.example2.*


We can define a trading network consisting of the following models

  • Asset
    • Name: Commodity
    • ID: Trading Symbol
    • Attributes
      • Trading Symbol
      • Description
      • Main Exchange
      • Quantity
      • Owner (Trader Participant)
  • Participant
    • Name: Trader
    • ID: TradeID
    • First Name
    • Last Name
  • Transaction
    • Name: Trade
    • Commodity (Commodity Asset)
    • New Owner (Trader Participant)

The model file for the above network can be defined as follows


namespace org.example.mynetwork
asset Commodity identified by tradingSymbol {
    o String tradingSymbol
    o String description
    o String mainExchange
    o Double quantity
    --> Trader owner
participant Trader identified by tradeId {
    o String tradeId
    o String firstName
    o String lastName
transaction Trade {
    --> Commodity commodity
    --> Trader newOwner


Logic is defined in Script Files .js which define transaction logic


The logic for a transaction can be defined by a javascript function, in this example, for example, if a transaction occurs in which a Commodity changes Ownership from one Owner to a New Owner, the function can be defined as follows


 * Track the trade of a commodity from one trader to another
 * @param {org.example.mynetwork.Trade} trade - the trade to be processed
 * @transaction
async function tradeCommodity(trade) {
  // Assign the commodity owner to the new owner
  trade.commodity.owner = trade.newOwner

  // Persist updated asset in asset registry
  let assetRegistry = await getAssetRegistry("org.example.mynetwork.Commodity")
  await assetRegistry.update(trade.commodity)


Queries are defined in Query File .qry file, note that a single .bna file can only have one query

Access Control

Access Control Files .acl define what permissions different users have, a single network can only have one access control file


Access control files look like the following

 * Access control rules for tutorial-network
rule Default {
    description: "Allow all participants access to all resources"
    participant: "ANY"
    operation: ALL
    resource: "org.example.mynetwork.*"
    action: ALLOW

rule SystemACL {
  description:  "System ACL to permit all access"
  participant: "ANY"
  operation: ALL
  resource: "org.hyperledger.composer.system.**"
  action: ALLOW


We can package our code into a .bna file by running the following command in our directory

composer archive create -t dir -n .

We then make use of a PeerAdmin identity card that contains the necessary credential and use this to install the .bna to the network

composer network install --card PeerAdmin@hlfv1 --archiveFile tutorial-network@0.0.1.bna