Serialize a JsonValue Array using F# and FSharp.Data's JsonProvider
03 February 2021
When working with the FSharp.Data.JsonProvider
type provider you may encounter a need to serialize a JsonValue array
Let's take a look at an example where this may be necessary:
First, we'll define the type of our data using a type provider, in this case it's connected to the following:
"data": [
"id": "id",
"caption": "caption",
"media_type": "IMAGE",
"media_url": "url_to_image"
"paging": {
"cursors": {
"before": "hash",
"after": "hash"
"next": "full_request_url"
And the F# file that's using this as the basis for the type definition is as follows:
open FSharp.Data
type ApiResponse = JsonProvider<"./data/api-response.json", SampleIsList=true>
We can also create some sample data using the ApiResponse.Parse
method that's now defined on our type thanks to the JsonProvider
// get some sample data
let sampleData = ApiResponse.Parse("""{
"data": [
"id": "id",
"caption": "caption",
"media_type": "IMAGE",
"media_url": "url_to_image"
"paging": {
"cursors": {
"before": "hash",
"after": "hash"
"next": "full_request_url"
If you were to use the sampleData
object and try to parse it to JSON you could directly call the sampleData.JsonValue.ToString()
method. As designed, this immediately returns the JSON representation of the object
However, when we take a look at the sampleData.Data
property, we will notice this is a Datum array
, the problem here is that the array
type doesn't have JsonValue
However, if we look at how JsonValue
is defined we will see the following:
union JsonValue =
| String of string
| Number of decimal
| Float of float
| Record of properties : (string * JsonValue) array
| Array of elements : JsonValue array
| Boolean of bool
| Null
Based on this, we can see that an Array of elements
can be seen as a JsonValue array
, using this information, we can make use of the JsonValue.Array
constructor and the JsonValue
property of each of the elements of the Data
property to convert the JsonValue array
to a JsonValue
let jsonValue =
// get the property we want
// extract the JsonValue property from each element
|> (fun p -> p.JsonValue)
// pass into the JsonValue.Array constructor
|> JsonValue.Array
let json = jsonValue.ToString()